Bavelaw Estate


A Beautiful Scottish Moorland Landscape


Conservation of our moorland, moorland habitat and moorland nature.

Sitting in the stunning Pentland Hills - Bavelaw Estate is a unique moorland habitat, home to an incredible diversity of wildlife, insects, flora and fauna.

The Estate is committed to the critical issues of today, biodiversity loss, habitat restoration, wetland creation, native woodland regeneration, responsible access, carbon sequestration and carbon net zero farming


Habitat and wildlife management - Wildlife Estate Scotland (WES)

Bavelaw Estate is a fully accredited area of conservation, with wildlife and habitat management plans that underpin our best practice and support other land mangers to adopt WES into a Pentland Hill WES cluster

  • Maintaining species and habitats records

  • Conservation and collaborative work

  • Integration with other land management activities, such as farming, forestry and tourism

  • Social, economic and cultural aspects, such as employment, community engagement and communications.


Our moorland eco-system is under unprecedented threat from climate change, habitat loss, habitat fragmentation and


We are dedicated to an environmental and conservation management plan, commitment to WES, and responsible access. This moorland landscape could disappear, along with the wildlife and all the species of mammal, birds, insects, flora and fauna..

In harmony with environmental management plans, the moorlands can be protected by responsible access, keeping to the pathways, keeping dogs on leads, helping by minimal wildlife disturbance and stopping peatland erosion.

The environmental value of moorlands has been overlooked, many have been forced into disastrous alternative use, the catalyst for overgrazing, mono culture forestry or invasive bracken,

Protecting this moorland landscape and wildlife habitat for future generations.